Lista de secções

  • Introduction

    This course has been developed for the SADC Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) in cooperation with IGRAC.

    The objective of this course is to train groundwater professionals to use GIS for groundwater applications, such as:

    • Finding Open Data for groundwater applications
    • Mapping groundwater related features from existing maps and using a field data collection app
    • Design maps for printing and upload to SADC-GIP
    • Spatial analysis using map algebra

    The course is divided in three topics that you can find in the tabs:
    1. Gathering and sharing data
    2. Field data collection
    3. Data analysis
    These skills are fundamental for visualizing and analyzing groundwater data. It is also a prerequisite for sharing groundwater data in online Spatial Data Infrastructure platforms like the SADC Groundwater Information Portal (SADC-GIP). The course is designed for hydrogeologists with basic GIS skills.

    A good practice document for sharing groundwater data is available here.
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  • 1. Gathering and sharing data

    Atividades: 3
  • 2. Field data collection

    Atividades: 2
  • 3. Data analysis

    Atividades: 5