How can I contribute?
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Doing free courses and tutorials is great, but sharing your courses on this platform feels even better!
Another way to contribute to GIS OpenCourseWare is to translate course materials that we can publish here.
Do you have GIS course materials that you want to share through this platform? Please contact us!
Here are some requirements:
- The course should be about open source GIS software.
- The course materials should be your own work and can be published with a CC By-NC license.
- The materials will be peer reviewed before publication on GIS OpenCourseWare.
Benefits:- You retain the intellectual property rights on your materials.
- You will get access to the GIS OpenCourseWare platform (which is built on Moodle) to build your course or you can send the materials to us so we can build it for you.
- If there is a demand for guided courses (face-to-face or online) with your materials, IHE Delft is open to cooperation in the form of support and hosting of (parts of) the course.
- The course should be about open source GIS software.
Would you like to see the courses in another language and are you able to translate or support translation? Please contact us!
Dr. Hans van der Kwast
Coordinator eLearning Partnerships
IHE Delft Institute for Water EducationWestvest 7, 2611 AX Delft
PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft
The Netherlands
Twitter: @hansakwast
Instagram: @hansvanderkwast