
    • Course Contents

      The course covers 3 topics, 1 topic per day of the course. Each topic is presented in a tab.

      On day one we'll dive into visualisation of spatial data in different types of maps. We'll discuss the relation between GIS and cartography and the principles of a well-designed map for different purposes (e.g. navigation, planning, management) using different map types (e.g. choropleth, heat map). During the workshop we'll create a few nice maps, taking into account what we've learned during the previous topic on communication and good practice.

      On day two we'll add the time dimension and will create animations from spatial-temporal data (e.g. weather, flood events, census data time series) with GIS. We'll also create timelapses from remote sensing time series.

      The last day of the course is about creating figures for publications (books, MSc/PhD thesis, journal articles, etc.). Figures in publications are different from maps that are presented on a poster or a screen. In publications, figures have a restricted size and colour palette. Furthermore, the amount of space to include figures is often limited, so you have to make choices. Also citations and the license for using data should be made clear. For figures in publications it's therefore even more important to realise what you want to communicate and what the reader can learn from it, supported by your text.

    • Learning Objectives

      After this course the participants will be able to:

      • Find open data sources

      • Visualise scientific data in graphs

      • Visualise scientific data in maps

      • Create animations from spatial-temporal data

      • Create figures for publications

    • Target group

      This course is designed for professionals active in hydrology and water management.

    • Prerequisites

      A basic knowledge of computers, GIS (QGIS) and working with spreadsheets is required for this course.

    • Required Resources


      Laptop or PC with at least 8GB RAM (16GB recommended), mouse, internet connection.


      We only support laptops or pc's with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
      QGIS 3.22.x (free download at http://www.qgis.org). Installation structions are given in the Getting Started section.