Access WaPOR data through OGC APIs

1. Introduction

Many geospatial data are accessible through standards and API's from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). OGC is an international non-profit foundation, more than 500 commercial, governmental, nonprofit and research organizations collaborate in a consensus process encouraging development and implementation of open standards for geospatial content and services, sensor web and Internet of Things, GIS data processing and data sharing.

The most important standards are:

Standard Description Data model
WMS Web Map Service Rendered picture of data
WFS Web Feature Service Vector data
WCS Web Coverage Service Raster data

If you would like to know more about OGC APIs, you can watch this video:

We're going to use the OWSLib package to connect to these services and we're going to use the Rasterio package to save WCS layer to a GeoTIFF.

We'll demonstrate this for data from FAO WaPOR.