1. Introduction
QGIS supports reading and visualising NetCDF data as raster or mesh layers. You can also export layers in a NetCDF to other raster formats, such as GeoTIFF.
A NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a format that is used for array-oriented scientific data. A NetCDF file is self-describing, i.e. it includes metadata that describes the data it contains. It is widely used in climate science, meteorology, oceanography, and other fields.
A NetCDF file is defined by:
- Dimensions: the axes of the data arrays (e.g. time, latitude, longitude)
- Variables: data values defined over the dimensions
- Attributes: additional information about the data (e.g. units)
In this tutorial you'll learn to:
- Load NetCDF raster data in QGIS
- Style NetCDF raster data
- Animate temporal NetCDF rasters (only in QGIS 3.38 or newer)
- Export NetCDF raster data to GeoTIFF
- Load NetCDF as mesh
- Style NetCDF mesh
- Export time series values from points
For the tutorial you can use the NetCDF file from the main course page. It's an output file of PyWAPOR.