Tutorial: Introduction to GDAL
Site: | OpenCourseWare for GIS |
Course: | Programming for Geospatial Hydrological Applications |
Book: | Tutorial: Introduction to GDAL |
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Date: | Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 2:04 AM |
1. Introduction
What is GDAL
is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released
under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the
calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of
useful commandline utilities for data translation and processing. See for more info: http://www.gdal.org
Learning objectives
After this course you will be able to:
- Retrieve information from GIS data
- Reproject GIS data
- Change raster properties
- Convert raster formats
- Convert vector formats
- Apply spatial queries on vectors
- Convert comma separated values files
- Perform batch conversion
For these exercises GDAL needs to be installed, preferably using the OSGEO4W distribution package. If you have installed QGIS, the OSGeo4W distribution is already there. In the video you can see how to install the LTR version of QGIS, which we will also use later for PyQGIS.
Exercise data
: road map from OpenStreetMap (http://openstreetmap.org)
: tile of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM) (http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/)
: borders
of Dutch communities, freely available from CBS (Statistics Netherlands) and
Kadaster (http://www.cbs.nl).
: table with object locations.
: contains land-use time series in IDRISI format.
2. Retrieving information from GIS data
In this chapter you will learn how to:
- Retrieve information from raster data
- Retrieve information from vector data
and ogrinfo
commands.2.1. Retrieve information from raster data
One of the easiest and most useful commands in GDAL is gdalinfo. When given an image as an argument, it retrieves and prints all relevant information that is known about the file. This is especially useful if the image contains additional tag data, as is the case with TIF files. When working with satellite imagery, this is an extremely useful way of keeping track of the images location in long/lat coordinates as well as the image projection.
1. Open the prompt where you have GDAL configured. If you have QGIS installed you can use the OSGeo4W Shell
2. With the command prompt go to the directory where you have saved the exercise data, e.g. Z:\gdal_exercises
gdalinfo srtm_37_02.tif <ENTER>
- What is the size of the image?
- What is the coordinate system?
- What is the EPSG code?
- What are the minimum and maximum values?
2.2. Retrieve information from vector data
For retrieving info from vector data we use the ogrinfo command.
1. Execute the following command:ogrinfo
-al roads.shp | more <ENTER>
-al gem_2011_gn1.shp | more <ENTER>
2. Answer these questions:
- What are the projections of these two shapefile?
- What are the EPSG codes?
is EPSG: 4326,
which means that it is in Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) with coordinates in Latitude/Longitude.gem_2011_gn1.shp
the projection is EPSG: 28992, which is the Dutch projection (Amersfoort RD/New).More info about the ogrinfo command can be found here.
3. Reprojecting GIS data
In this chapter you will learn to:
- Reproject raster data
- Reproject vector data
3.1. Reproject raster data
GDAL has the capability to change a raster coordinate system using the following syntax:
-t_srs EPSG:... <input> <output>
The -t_srs
argument specifies the
target coordinate system. If the source coordinate system is unknown it must be
specified with the -s_srs
argument. EPSG:...
specifies the EPSG code of the projection. <input>
and <output>
are the input and output data respectively.
We are
now going to reproject a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). You can download DEM's for
your own area of interest from USGS Earth Explorer. Here we'll use the provided course data.
In order to reproject the DEM from WGS-84 lat/lon to Amersfoort/RD New we use this command:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:XXXXX srtm_37_02.tif dem_rd.tif
with the proper EPSG code for Amersfoort/RD New
(see one of your previous answers using ogrinfo).2. Execute the command:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:28992 srtm_37_02.tif dem_rd.tif <ENTER>
3. Visualize the result in QGIS.
More info on the gdalwarp command can be found here.
3.2. Reprojecting vector data
vector data the ogr2ogr command is used. The syntax is:
-t_srs EPSG:XXXXX <output> <input>
Note that <output>
and <input>
are in a different order than for gdalwarp!
Here we'll convert the OpenStreetMaps road data to
the Amersfoort/RD New projection.
1. Execute:ogr2ogr
-t_srs EPSG:28992 roadsreprojected.shp roads.shp
The command is executed (it takes some time), but gives a warning.
2. What does the warning mean?
More information about the ogr2ogr command can be found here.
4. Convert GIS formats
In this chapter you'll learn how to
- Convert between different raster formats
- Convert between different vector formats
4.1. Convert raster formats
gdal_translate's primary function is to change between image formats. The basic syntax is:
gdal_translate -of FORMAT inputFile outputFile
are going to convert the DEM from geoTiff to SAGA format. SAGA is a GIS
which has its own -gdal-supported- binary format with the .sdat
1. Execute the following command:gdal_translate -of SAGA dem_rd.tif dem_rd.sdat
Some formats need more arguments. PCRaster for examples needs a specification of the data type (boolean, nominal, scalar, etc.). Let's convert the same data to PCRaster format.
2. Execute the following command:gdal_translate -of PCRaster -ot Float32 -mo "VS_SCALAR" dem_rd.tif dem_rd.map
convert to PCRaster format you need to know the data type of the
raster. In the example above the DEM is continuous data, so the data
type is scalar. If the layer was discrete (classes) then the data type
was nominal.
Data Type |
-of | -mo |
Boolean | Byte | "VS_BOOLEAN" |
Nominal | Int32 | "VS_NOMINAL" |
Ordinal | Int32 | "VS_ORDINAL" |
Scalar | Float32 or Float64 |
Direction | Float32 or Float64 |
LDD | Int32 | "VS_LDD" |
4.2. Convert vector formats
ogr2ogr -f <"Format"> <output> <input>
to a Google KML file that can be opened in Google Earth.ogr2ogr -f "KML" gem.kml gem_2011_gn1.shp
. There are many other things you can do, but we don't cover in this basic tutorial.4.3. Spatial queries of vector data
For our map of Delft we want to do the following GIS analysis:
- Select the community of Delft from the community map and save it into a new shapefile;
- Intersect the community boundaries of Delft with the road map of the Netherlands.
-f "ESRI Shapefile" -where GM_NAAM='Delft'
-a_srs EPSG:28992 delft.shp gem_2011_gn1.shp
Delft to a new file called delft.shp
. The
argument -a_srs EPSG:28992
is used to assign the Amersfoort/RD New projection
to the output file. The argument -f
defines the output format.roadsreprojected.shp
vector so it only covers the municipality of Delft. We use the -clipsrc
argument.ogr2ogr -clipsrc delft.shp roadsdelft.shp
), the clipped road map (roadsdelft.shp
) and the community of Delft (delft.shp
).4.4. Convert Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Sometimes you want to reproject coordinates in an ASCII file, e.g. which has been saved to text in a spreadsheet program. Here we will convert the coordinates in a comma separated ASCII file locations.csv
to a new ASCII file locations_reprojected.csv
It is good practice to first view the contents of a CSV file and to verify (1) the coordinates, and (2) the column separator. The separator is not always a comma and sometimes depends on the language settings used while exporting from a spreadsheet programme.
1. View the contents of locations.csv
. You can use the type command from the command prompt as you learned in the Command Line tutorial.
<OGRVRTLayer name="locations">
<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="lon" y="lat"/>
in the gdal_exercises folder
.Some explanation about the XML file:
<OGRVRTLayer name="locations">
should correspond with the<SrcDataSource>locations.csv</SrcDataSource>
should correspond with the EPSG code of the coordinate columns
<GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="lon" y="lat"/>
indicates the columns with the coordinates that you want to convert.
-t_srs EPSG:28992 -f "CSV" locations_reprojected.csv locations.vrt -lco
with lat/lon WGS-84 coordinates is converted to locations_projected.csv
with Amersfoort/RD New projection.locations_reprojected.csv
. What is saved in each column?ogr2ogr
-f "ESRI Shapefile" -t_srs
EPSG:28992 locations.shp locations.vrt
5. Batch conversion
Desktop GIS programmes are very useful for GIS operations, but are hard to use if we have to repeat the same task for many GIS layers. Then scripting can be a solution.
), with one layer for each year between 1990 and 2030. Our task is to convert all layers to GeoTiff (.tif
provided with the course data to a new folder and check the contents.gdal_translate -of GTiff 01_State19900101.rst 01_State19900101.tif
for %%f in (*.rst) do (
echo %%~nf
gdal_translate -of GTiff %%f %%~nf.tif
in the folder with the land-use rasters (don't forget to change the extension if you use Notepad, classic mistake!)*.rst
files in the folder. %%f
is the variable that contains the filename of each file. With echo
we can print something to the screen. Here
we print %%~nf
, which is the part of the filename before the dot that separates it from the extension. Then we use the gdal_translate
command with output format GeoTiff. At the end of the line we add the .tif
extension to the filename.rst2tif <ENTER>