Tutorial 6.2
Requisitos de finalización
This tutorial explains the snippets of script to be developed for first Web Application
2. Script structure
2.3. Functions defined
Below code snippet define two functions
- To get number of days in a month
- To convert mm/hour to mm/month
//below function return number of days in a month
function getDaysInMonth(y,m) {
var dt = ee.Date.fromYMD(y,m,1);
var n = dt.advance(1,"month").difference(dt,'day');
return n;
//below function will convert mm/hr to mm/month for the
// GPM data
var monthly = function(image) {
var dt = ee.Date(image.get("system:time_end"));
var y = dt.get('year');
var m = dt.get('month');
var days = getDaysInMonth(y,m);
return image.multiply(days).multiply(24).copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start", "system:time_end"]);