Tutorial 6.2
نیازمندیهای تکمیل
This tutorial explains the snippets of script to be developed for first Web Application
2. Script structure
2.3. Functions defined
Below code snippet define two functions
- To get number of days in a month
- To convert mm/hour to mm/month
//below function return number of days in a month
function getDaysInMonth(y,m) {
var dt = ee.Date.fromYMD(y,m,1);
var n = dt.advance(1,"month").difference(dt,'day');
return n;
//below function will convert mm/hr to mm/month for the
// GPM data
var monthly = function(image) {
var dt = ee.Date(image.get("system:time_end"));
var y = dt.get('year');
var m = dt.get('month');
var days = getDaysInMonth(y,m);
return image.multiply(days).multiply(24).copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start", "system:time_end"]);