Tutorial: Automate Stream & Catchment Delineation using the Graphical Modeller
1. Introduction
QGIS has some great ways to automate your processes. You can use PyQGIS to build scripts. But if you're looking for a more graphical way, the Graphical Modeller is a great way to automate your processes using the tools from the Processing Toolbox.
After this tutorial you're able to:
- Define input layers and variables for your graphical model
- Add processing tools to your graphical model
- Save results of your graphical model
- Save your graphical model to the Processsing Toolbox
- Create a graphical model for stream delineation
- Create a graphical model for catchment delineation
this tutorial we'll make two models that you can apply to any area for
which you have downloaded SRTM data and created a bounding box polygon
of the study area. For this tutorial the data is provided.
Here we use QGIS 3.14 Pi, but the procedure is similar in 3.10 LTR.