6. Add attributes from other layers to point layers

For our Shire groundwater study it would be useful to add the geology and hydrogeology attributes to the Shire groundwater monitoring wells layer.

For this purpose we need to install the Point sampling tool plugin. Note that you need an internet connection to install the plugin.

1. In the main menu go to Plugins | Manage and Install Plugins...

2. In the Plugins dialogue search for the Point sampling tool and click Install Plugin.

Install Point sampling tool

3. Click the button in the toolbar to open the Point Sampling Tool dialogue.

4. In the Point Sampling Tool dialogue at the General tab choose the Shire groundwater monitoring wells as Layer containing sampling points. Choose all the fields from the Shire groundwater monitoring wells and the MaIHGComb and MaGLG fields from either the Shire Geology or the Shire Shire Hydrogeology layers (the have the same attribute table, but only differ in styling). Note that these layers need to be checked in the Layers panel in order to show up in this list. Save the Output point vector layer to an ESRI Shapefile, because this tool can't add it to an existing GeoPackage. Name it wells_hydro_geology.shp.

5. Now click the Fields tab. There you can change the name of the output fields if necessary. Here we keep them the same as the source field name.

6. Click OK. Click Close to close the dialogue after processing.

7. Check the attribute table of the  wells_hydro_geology layer.

Wells with sampled data

In the next section we're going to join the new attributes with the Shire groundwater monitoring wells layer so we don't need to add this layer to the GeoPackage.