Tutorial: Field surveys using QGIS, Mergin and Input
3. Synchronizing your project with Mergin
Input comes with built-in functionality to seamlessly synchronise your projects and data through Mergin.
In this section we'll synchronize the project from the previouse sections with the Mergin cloud service.
1. Go to your internet browser and sign up to Mergin (https://public.cloudmergin.com/).
2. In QGIS install the Mergin plugin.
3. In the Browser panel you'll now find a Mergin folder.
Note 1: that there is no menu entry or toolbar icons for Mergin plugin. The only method to interact with the service is through the QGIS Browser panel.
Note 2: You may need to restart your QGIS to see Mergin in your QGIS browser panel after the installation.
To be able to view Mergin projects, we need to sign in:
- For URL: type https://public.cloudmergin.com
- For Username: type your Mergin username
- For Password: type your Mergin password
- Click Test Connection and it should show OK.
To view the list of your projects, click on the arrow to the right of Mergin in your QGIS browser panel.
Using Mergin plugin
The following functionalities are available from Mergin plugin:
Create a new project
8. You can start a new project by right-clicking on Mergin from the browser panel and selecting Create new project:
- Type a name for Project name
- Selecting Public will make your project available to all Mergin users
- Project Directory will be the folder where your project and associated layers reside (the project that we made in the previous sections.
9. Click OK.
10. A popup window will appear that shows that the project was successfully created. Click Close.
11. You can find the project now under Mergin | My projects.
12. Check the result on the Mergin website (https://public.cloudmergin.com/). Your project and its files should be listed there now.
Now your project is synchronised with the Mergin cloud service and can be synchronised with the Input app on a smartphone or tablet, which will be explained in the section 4.
The following subsections are for reference for working with the Mergin plugin.
Download a project
To download a project:
- Right-click on the project under Mergin, from the browser panel
- Select Download
- A new window will appear to set the folder path
- Once the project is downloaded, you can select to Open the downloaded project.
Synchronise the changes
With Mergin service you can synchronise your local changes back to the server. Simply, right-click on the project from the browser panel and select Synchronize
You can also use Synchronize function to download changes made to your local projects from Mergin.
Remove a local/downloaded project
If you no longer want to have the project and its associated files available locally, you can delete them by right-clicking on the project from browser panel and select Remove locally.
Ensure to use this function to remove the projects. Deleting the files manually might cause synchronisation problems.
Remove project from server
This will remove your project from Mergin server. You need to first remove the project locally, to be able to delete it from the server.
You can also drag-and-drop your project folder (including layers, SVGs, etc) to Mergin project webpage.