4. Install Miniconda and Packages

For the next tutorials you need to install Miniconda and PCRaster on your computer and run the Jupyter Notebooks locally. You can use the instructions from the video above. Here are the steps:

    1. Install Miniconda from here
    2. Open Miniconda Prompt from the Windows Start Menu
    3. Type:

    conda create --name tutorials -c conda-forge pcraster qgis python=3.9 matplotlib jupyterlab pycrs numpy git

      This will create a new environment with the name tutorials and will install the necessary libraries that we'll use.

      4. Activate the new environment by typing

      conda activate tutorials

      5. Use the commands to go to the folder where you want to save the tutorials (note that the next step will create a subdirectory PCRasterTutorials there).

      6. Go to https://github.com/jvdkwast/PCRasterTutorials

      7. Click the Code button

      8. Copy the HTTPS link

      9. With git we can interact with git repositories such as GitHub. Run the following command:

      git clone https://github.com/jvdkwast/PCRasterTutorials.git

      This will download all the tutorial materials of this and the next module to the subdirectory PCRasterTutorials.

      To run the tutorials go to the PCRasterTutorials subdirectory and run the command

      jupyter lab

      This will open your browser and you can choose the notebook.

      This video shows the procedure: