Tutorial: Introduction to GDAL
نیازمندیهای تکمیل
3. Reprojecting GIS data
3.2. Reprojecting vector data
vector data the ogr2ogr command is used. The syntax is:
-t_srs EPSG:XXXXX <output> <input>
Note that <output>
and <input>
are in a different order than for gdalwarp!
Here we'll convert the OpenStreetMaps road data to
the Amersfoort/RD New projection.
1. Execute:ogr2ogr
-t_srs EPSG:28992 roadsreprojected.shp roads.shp
The command is executed (it takes some time), but gives a warning.
2. What does the warning mean?
More information about the ogr2ogr command can be found here.