Tutorial: Introduction to GDAL
4. Convert GIS formats
4.1. Convert raster formats
gdal_translate's primary function is to change between image formats. The basic syntax is:
gdal_translate -of FORMAT inputFile outputFile
are going to convert the DEM from geoTiff to SAGA format. SAGA is a GIS
which has its own -gdal-supported- binary format with the .sdat
1. Execute the following command:gdal_translate -of SAGA dem_rd.tif dem_rd.sdat
Some formats need more arguments. PCRaster for examples needs a specification of the data type (boolean, nominal, scalar, etc.). Let's convert the same data to PCRaster format.
2. Execute the following command:gdal_translate -of PCRaster -ot Float32 -mo "VS_SCALAR" dem_rd.tif dem_rd.map
convert to PCRaster format you need to know the data type of the
raster. In the example above the DEM is continuous data, so the data
type is scalar. If the layer was discrete (classes) then the data type
was nominal.
Data Type |
-of | -mo |
Boolean | Byte | "VS_BOOLEAN" |
Nominal | Int32 | "VS_NOMINAL" |
Ordinal | Int32 | "VS_ORDINAL" |
Scalar | Float32 or Float64 |
Direction | Float32 or Float64 |
LDD | Int32 | "VS_LDD" |