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2. Data description

Spatial resolution: WaPOR data is available to users at 3 different levels corresponding to different resolutions at which different applications for the data are possible. 

AspectWaPOR V2WaPOR V3
Global CoverageNo global coverage (only Africa and the Middle East)Global coverage at 300m resolution
Continental Level (L1)Covers Africa and the Middle East at 250m resolutionGlobal coverage at 300m resolution
National Level (L2)Selected countries in Africa and the Middle East at 100m resolutionNational coverage for Africa, the Middle East, Sri Lanka, and Colombia at 100m resolution
Sub-national Level (L3)Specific irrigation schemes at 30m resolutionSub-national irrigation schemes at 20m resolution
Temporal ResolutionData available at daily, dekadal (10-day), monthly, seasonal, and annual intervalsSimilar temporal resolution, but more refined data processing methodologies
Time Span2009-20232018 to present (with updates and improvements)