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2. Calculate areas and densities

2.6. Style the building densities

Let's style the result.

1. Go to the Layer Styling panel and make sure the neighbourhoods layer is active.

2. Change the renderer to Graduated and choose building percentage as Value.

3. Choose a colour ramp from white to red. Set the Mode to Natural breaks (Jenks) and use 5 classes.

4. Click Classify.

5. Now go to the Labels  tab.

6. Change it from No labels to Single labels.

7. Choose buurtnaam for Value.

8. Go to the Formatting  tab.

9. At Wrap on character type a space to split words to different lines for a better fit in the polygons.

10. Evaluate the result.

  • Which neigbourhood has the highest density?
  • Does the center of Rotterdam has high densities?
  • Are there relations between building densities and other attributes in the neighbourhood layer?

Check this video for the steps in this chapter: