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Available courses

Courses in English

Learn how to load, animate and analyse mesh data in QGIS

5 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024

Stream and catchment delineation with QGIS

4 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024

As climate change intensifies and water scarcity becomes a growing global concern, it is crucial to assess how we use water in agriculture. FAO's WaPOR datasets provide open-access, remote-sensing data designed to monitor water productivity, helping to optimize water usage in agricultural systems. This data is vital for ensuring the sustainability of our water resources in the face of increasing demand.In this workshop, we will explore how WaPOR offers an accessible solution for assessing water use efficiency, and how WaPLUGIN simplifies this process. By streamlining the download of WaPOR datasets and enabling the easy computation of key irrigation and water productivity indicators directly within QGIS, WaPLUGIN makes water management analysis more efficient and user-friendly. Participants will gain hands-on experience using these tools to support informed decision-making in agricultural water use.

5 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024

Point cloud processing tools in QGIS and PDAL wrench

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2024

Use QGIS for urban analysis

6 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024

Learn to use the command line, GDAL, Python, PCRaster and PyQGIS.

10 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use FAO WaPOR data to monitor spatial and temporal trends in agricultural water productivity

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Stream and catchment delineation with QGIS 3.30

4 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2023
Courses in English

Prepare precision agriculture projects with QGIS and Mergin Maps.

5 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

IHE Delft offers face-to-face courses, online courses and tailor made advice & trainings.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

During this workshop you'll learn how to use PCRaster for hydrological analysis and modelling through the QGIS PCRaster Tools plugin and Python

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

In this course you’ll learn how to create graphs, maps and animations for posters, slide shows, websites and scientific publications

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

This course will introduce you to Google Earth Engine.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to create orthophotos, point cloud and DSM from drone images.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Advanced tutorials for QGIS for hydrology, hydraulics and water management.

14 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Contribute with your OpenCourseWare or translations.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use PCRaster in QGIS and Python

5 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn to use Google Earth Engine Python API and geemap for interactive mapping.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use GIS for groundwater studies.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Learn how to prepare a field campaign with GIS.

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use QGIS for hydrological applications.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to create an app for field data collection using GIS without programming.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Watch video tutorials on GIS.

12 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Watch recordings of GIS related webinars.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Looking for free GIS data? Here's an overview of useful resources.

13 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Links to other open educational resources.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Formation sur les bonnes pratiques avec QGIS pour l’analyse des produits WaPOR

4 Lessons
Updated: Mar 2024

Ce cours vous présentera Google Earth Engine.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser la ligne de commande, GDAL, Python, PCRaster et PyQGIS.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser QGIS pour l'hydrologie des bassins versants et la gestion de l'eau.

8 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cours en français

Tutoriels avancés pour QGIS pour l'hydrologie, l'hydraulique et la gestion de l'eau.

11 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser le SIG pour les études sur les eaux souterraines.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Créez une application pour la collecte de données sur le terrain à l'aide du SIG sans programmation.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprende acerca de la creación de ortofotos, nubes de puntos y Modelos Digitales de Superficie (DMS) desde imágenes de Drones

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprenda a utilizar QGIS para la hidrología de cuencas hidrográficas y la gestión del agua.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprende a utilizar los SIG en estudios acerca de agua subterránea.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


11 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprenda acerca da criação de ortofotos, nuvens de pontos e Modelos Digitais de Superfície (MDS) de imagens de Drones.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Curso em Português-BR

Aprenda a usar o QGIS para Hidrologia de bacias Hidrográficas e Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Point cloud processing tools in QGIS en PDAL wrench

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Prepare precision agriculture projects with QGIS and Mergin Maps.

2 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands
2 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Leer hoe je een survey kan opzetten met QGIS, Mergin en de Input app

7 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Leer de opdrachtregelinterface, GDAL en programmeren in Python

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023