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درس‌های موجود

Point cloud processing tools in QGIS and PDAL wrench

6 Lessons
Updated: Jun 2024

Use QGIS for urban analysis

6 Lessons
Updated: Feb 2024

Learn to use the command line, GDAL, Python, PCRaster and PyQGIS.

10 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use FAO WaPOR data to monitor spatial and temporal trends in agricultural water productivity

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Stream and catchment delineation with QGIS 3.30

4 Lessons
Updated: Apr 2023
Courses in English

Prepare precision agriculture projects with QGIS and Mergin Maps.

5 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

IHE Delft offers face-to-face courses, online courses and tailor made advice & trainings.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

During this workshop you'll learn how to use PCRaster for hydrological analysis and modelling through the QGIS PCRaster Tools plugin and Python

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

In this course you’ll learn how to create graphs, maps and animations for posters, slide shows, websites and scientific publications

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

This course will introduce you to Google Earth Engine.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to create orthophotos, point cloud and DSM from drone images.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Advanced tutorials for QGIS for hydrology, hydraulics and water management.

14 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Contribute with your OpenCourseWare or translations.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use PCRaster in QGIS and Python

5 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn to use Google Earth Engine Python API and geemap for interactive mapping.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use GIS for groundwater studies.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Learn how to prepare a field campaign with GIS.

6 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to use QGIS for hydrological applications.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Learn how to create an app for field data collection using GIS without programming.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Watch video tutorials on GIS.

12 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Watch recordings of GIS related webinars.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Looking for free GIS data? Here's an overview of useful resources.

13 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Courses in English

Links to other open educational resources.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Formation sur les bonnes pratiques avec QGIS pour l’analyse des produits WaPOR

4 Lessons
Updated: Mar 2024

Ce cours vous présentera Google Earth Engine.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser la ligne de commande, GDAL, Python, PCRaster et PyQGIS.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser QGIS pour l'hydrologie des bassins versants et la gestion de l'eau.

8 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cours en français

Tutoriels avancés pour QGIS pour l'hydrologie, l'hydraulique et la gestion de l'eau.

11 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Apprenez à utiliser le SIG pour les études sur les eaux souterraines.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Créez une application pour la collecte de données sur le terrain à l'aide du SIG sans programmation.

3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprende acerca de la creación de ortofotos, nubes de puntos y Modelos Digitales de Superficie (DMS) desde imágenes de Drones

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprenda a utilizar QGIS para la hidrología de cuencas hidrográficas y la gestión del agua.

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprende a utilizar los SIG en estudios acerca de agua subterránea.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


3 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023


11 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Aprenda acerca da criação de ortofotos, nuvens de pontos e Modelos Digitais de Superfície (MDS) de imagens de Drones.

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Curso em Português-BR

Aprenda a usar o QGIS para Hidrologia de bacias Hidrográficas e Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos

9 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023

Point cloud processing tools in QGIS en PDAL wrench

6 Lessons
Updated: Sep 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Prepare precision agriculture projects with QGIS and Mergin Maps.

2 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands
2 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Leer hoe je een survey kan opzetten met QGIS, Mergin en de Input app

7 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023
Cursussen in het Nederlands

Leer de opdrachtregelinterface, GDAL en programmeren in Python

4 Lessons
Updated: Jul 2023